Capturing life's most precious moments

July 17, 2008

Summer Semester!!

Well, Summer semester is coming to a close, and I am so ready to be done with school. I don't even remember why I went back :D My poor family has been severly neglected! I haven't made a home-cooked meal more than maybe twice the whole semester! My hoouse is dirtier than it's ever been, and I just can't justify doing either of these things very often. I have a KILLER pathophysiology class this semester that takes up most of my time, and when I'm not studying for that, I have to play with Jax cause I don't want him to be sad. He has started crying whenever I go to my mom's cause he thinks I am going to leave him there, like I do when I go to school or have to take a test. There are a few good things that have come out of this, though. I have decided to cut my load next semester to 13 credits instead of the 17 I was registered for, and they are all pretty easy classes, so that should help A TON. I only have two semesters left, and I can be done forever if I want. Kyle has realized how much he doesn't like me going to school, so he's totally fine if I never go back. I may someday, but for now, I'm very much looking forward to the end!


Mrs B said...

Poo poo on school! JK- I gotta get back & get it done. So, now that I've discovered you have a blog, I'm linking you to mine & no, you don't have a choice. Try as you may to stop me, I am infiltrating every aspect of your life! :)

Mrs B said...

Oh, also, who took that cute picture of your cute son?!

The Johnson Fam said...

School can be so frustrating sometimes but so worth it in the end! You are great to keep going especially being a mom, it can be so hard.