Capturing life's most precious moments

April 23, 2008

Spring semester

Well...Spring semester is coming to a close, and summer is just around the corner. Kyle and I are both taking 18 credits this summer...this should be interesting :D We are taking 8 of those together, so at least we can study together. We both just want to be DONE!! Bubba is so funny. His first sentance was "where's Daddy go?" and "where's Kyle go?" pretty good for only 15 months, but its true that Daddy is a very busy boy. But, no pain no gain, and when he gets his degree, not only will he be making more money(yay) but I think he'll have a sense of accomplishment that he did something great all by himself. We got our clogg fixed by Royal Flush-they did a great job and they offer a 30 day guarantee. their price was only $89, which was way better than some of the other places we called. Things are great, just trying to make it through Kyle's finals. Life is grand!

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