Capturing life's most precious moments

November 25, 2008

Full of Thanks

I figure that now is one of the best times of year to express the many things I am grateful for. I know that i won't be able to list everything, but here are a few of my greatest blessings (in no particular order)...
My wonderful Husband- He works SO hard going to school full-time and working all the overtime he can get so that I can stay home with Jaxon. He also puts up with a lot from me, expecially when I'm pregnant.
My Beautiful Son-He brings so much joy into my life, and I couldn't imagine the world without his beautiful smile. I love his smell, his dimples, his thick blonde hair, his sweet little voice, how he gets so excited about everything, the love he has for life and everyone/everything in it, and most of all that he is part of my Forever Family.
My Savior- This goes without saying, but I owe everything I have, everything I am, and everything I'm going to be to my Savior. Life would be pretty sad and lonely at times if i didn't know he was always there.
saltine crackers-Just about the only thing I can eat some days, these crackers are keeping me from completely wasting away.
my house- It may not be very big, and like a hundred years old, but the heater works and keeps my family warm. I enjoy the comforts of electric everything. I can have warm water on demand. And its a place to raise my family and teach them the gospel.
My Huge family-Between our parents, Kyle's 5 brothers and sister, my 10 brothers and sisters, 17 neices and nephews, all our cousins and aunts and uncles, there is always someone there when you need them.
My Awesome friends-I think I have the coolest friends in the world! Ones who have helped us fix our car when they had no idea that money was very tight. Ones who have helped us side our home, and make it look so much better. Ones who we can call for any favor, and know that they will help us if they can.
My freedom- I wouldn't be able to enjoy many of the things I do if it weren't for where I was lucky enough to be born. I'm grateful for the freedom that I never personally had to fight for, but that so many lost their lives over
I know there are so many more things I could list, but one of my biggest blessings wants some milk, so I think I've done a pretty good job of summing it up. I'm just thankful for this time of year. For the feeling in the air that comes with the season. Most of all, I'm thankful to be alive.

November 18, 2008

Announcement and suggestions?

Word is starting to get around, so I thought I would let everyone know that WE ARE EXPECTING!!! We are SO excited! I am due the 26 of June, and am about 9 weeks along. I have NEVER been so sick in my life. I think if it had been like this with Bub, he might have been an only child. I'm usually only nauseated during the day, but at night, I can't do anything. I can't eat anything but oatmeal, toast, soda crackers, and water, and I can only eat a couple crackers passed 4, or I'm up all night. Believe me, I try other foods when they sound good, but it never stays down for very long, and then whatever I tried can't even be smelled or I vomit. I'm SO nauseated, and my sides and back are sore and tired from the constant puking. UGH! i don't know if the huge difference between this pregnancy and the last one has to do with my thyroid problem, my 60 lb weight loss, or something else, but I've already lost another 9 lbs in these nine weeks, and am hoping and praying that this is a "first trimester" thing, and will be over soon. Poor Bubba and Kyle have to deal with my moodiness, and they are such troopers. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited for Bubba to be a big brother and to have another child in our family, but this stinks. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I might try that will make me feel better? Anything that is easy to keep down that I haven't thought of? Anyway, it really IS happy news.

November 16, 2008

Move that bus

Ok, so I'm sitting here right now, checkin my blog, and the news just happens to be on. Bubba is playing by himself very nicely, and a story came on the news about the Proposition 8 protests. The people were walking around holding signs, and I saw Bubba get a little gleem in his eye. He walked up to the television, started punching his arm up and down, and saying "Moo ba bus, Moo ba bus". then he turned aroung with his big heart-melting grin that says "I'm so smart" Anyone who watches Extreme Makeover, Home Edition, might know why he was a little confused. It was hilarious, so I thought everyone would appreciate reading about it.

November 2, 2008

So Sad!

So, we went to Idaho for Halloween because my nephew was baptised on Saturday, and my niece was blessed on Sunday. They were both awesome experiences for everyone involved, except Bubba. He has been SO sick, which stunk since we stayed with my brother and sister-in-law, who have three small children, and were around everyone else with all their children. At first, we thought he was just cutting his two-year molars, but he has been lethargic, quiet, sleepy all day, only wanting to snuggle, which is VERY unlike him. Especially when other children are involved. He is still sick, with a fever of 101, and just moans and won't let us put him down. Poor baby :( Thank goodness for Motrin and Tylenol! And family members who promised they won't hate me if all their kids get sick too :S